St. Francis of Assisi School is a vital part of St. Francis of Assisi Parish. The school is one of 46 schools within the Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese (CISVA). Each local school has a Parish Education Committee (PEC) comprising of seven voting members and supporting officers. The Pastor is ex-officio a member of the Committee and of all sub-committees.
The role of the PEC is to implement the policies and procedures of the CISVA, as well as promote Catholic Education, its values and benefits to the community, especially in the transmission of the faith. The PEC also oversees the operations of the school such as tuition collection, hiring of staff, payment of operating expenses, facilities maintenance, and parent participation. PEC members support the Principal, assist the Pastor and Parish organizations, pray for other members, Catholic schools, and the communities they serve. PEC meetings are held monthly during the school year. Parents are welcome to attend but must make their request in writing to the Chair one week prior to the meeting date. If you would like further information about the PEC or have any questions or concerns please email the Chair at