We wanted to share with you the findings of the Compton Fundraising Campaign Report which we received at the end of December. The findings are significant and will change the way we approach the next few months of the project. They should not result in a significant delay and will allow us to develop a solid business platform to proceed.
Before we look at our next steps, we thought it would be worthwhile to provide a quick summary of the history of our school’s new building project.
The renewed call to build a new St. Francis of Assisi Elementary school started in 2013 when a seismic and structural review of our school was undertaken by the Archdiocese. It was determined then by architects and building development experts that it would be more cost-efficient to build a new school than to undertake the required retrofits. A building committee of volunteer parents was formed in 2014 to start to engage architects and building planners while another group of committed parents held the first SFA school Gala in 2014.
Since that time the school has consistently raised over $100,000 per year through school fundraising events and through Building Fund donations at the parish. To date, we have raised $ 690,000 towards our new school and have almost $400,000 remaining in our reserves. Our fundraising includes revenues from the Gala, Carnival, Walkathon, Wine & Cheese/Family Dance, direct donations and other contributions. The table below shows a break-down of the expenditures that we have incurred through the various building consultants, surveyors and architect fees that the City of Vancouver requires to undertake such a large-scale building project.
We had gone as far as having an accurate architectural drawing and cost analysis and had gained the necessary permissions from the Archdiocese for a loan and to sell parish land to help fund the project. The project team submitted an Approval in Principle document to the Archdiocese in January 2018 and this was granted which traditionally means the project is approved to proceed. We will likely now need to update and re-submit this given that the build costs have escalated and that we are now looking to develop some of the Parish garden in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus.
The sale of the convent adjacent to the parish was delayed when the City of Vancouver changed its position on re-zoning which dropped the potential sale price of the land by almost $2M. The property will likely go back on the market this year.
Findings of the Compton Fundraising Report
We have a wonderful community-oriented school that supports the need for a new school and gymnasium, BUT while the need for a new school is accepted, the confidence and support to launch a Capital Campaign was not present before we address some key areas:
- Ensure direct support from the Archdiocese – financial and senior strategic staffing
- Build a solid and transparent governance structure of individuals qualified in finance or building development, not just parent volunteers
- Re-create the momentum that has been lost by moving forward with the sale of the Convent property
- Implement a timely and regular communications plan.
- Meet with the Archdiocese to ask for more engagement on their behalf, both financial and staffing commitment
- Hire a professional development/building consultant to draft a solid project development plan with realistic timelines and costs to augment the current Building Committee
- Create a more credible and experienced Governance structure
- Enhance and continue with an open communications plan including financial transparency on moneys raised and spent to date.
- Suspend contract with Compton Fundraising Consultants until these recommendations have been met.
We are invigorated and keen to press forward. We have been assured by the Archdiocese that they are committed to support our community to see a new school soon and they are looking forward to an ‘innovative and collaborative’ approach to working with us.
It has been a long journey to get to this stage and one in which our community has spent countless volunteer hours through the years to get this far. In naming names we run the risk of forgetting many who also were dedicated to our school, but we wish to publicly acknowledge and thank at this time in particular so many of our ‘legacy’ staff and parents, in particular, Jodie Sussex, Glenna Pollon, Bob Ambardar, Kerri Nardulli, Nicole Tan, Marielle Weisinger, Chris Weisinger, Alda Campos, Michelle Ventresca, Bernice Sabellico, Carol Audia, Michael Cunningham, Michael Gall, Cathy DiNozzi, Sonia Erickson, Laura Seracci and Maria Spitale to name just a few, for their contribution and dedication to get us this far.
We ask you to pray for our continued progress and we will continue to keep you apprised of our progress.
With Blessings to you and your family,
Father Eugenio Aloisio
Mrs. Anne Yam
If you have any questions about this update or the building project, please direct them to buildsfa@sfaschool.ca
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