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#BuildSFA Update June 2021

#BuildSFA Update June 2021

As the end of the school year is upon us, we want to thank our parish community, school staff, families, and supporters who have drawn together to make this most unprecedented school year a success. Our children enjoyed a safe, successful, albeit altered academic year, led by our Grade 7 class who had their graduation ceremony on June 23rd. We wish them much success as they move forward to other schools, friendships, and adventures.

On the redevelopment front, we submitted our financial business case to Archbishop Miller and the Archdiocesan Finance Council last week and are in the process of negotiating the terms of the loan. In the expectation of this, we have our architectural firm, KMBR, on stand-by to start our Development Permit (DP) submission. The DP allows the City of Vancouver to “ensure the livability and functionality of neighbourhoods by regulating the built form and ensuring land uses are appropriately located.”

The continuing positive news on COVID should mean that in September we can all come back as a community and renew our cherished values of community building via volunteerism and engagement. Starting this fall we hope that all our long-standing school and parish traditions such as the open celebration of masses, the Welcome BBQ, gala, family dance, and carnival will be back with renewed vigour and focus so we need our families to please come forward to lead and support these events. If you want to be part of the team that helps to rebuild our school, please contact us over the summer at buildsfaschool@sfa.ca

We wish you all a happy summer with your friends and family.

With blessings,

Father Eugenio Aloisio

Mrs. Anne Yam

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