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#BuildSFA Update December 2019

#BuildSFA Update December 2019

We hope that you have all had a prosperous and happy autumn season. It has been busy for both the school and parish and we are thankful for the many blessings that our engaged and thriving community continues to provide to everyone of us.

Our community is very committed to the importance of a new St. Francis of Assisi Elementary school.  Upon recognizing that we needed more support than what our dedicated volunteer parents could provide, we went through a public, competitive hiring process and engaged the services of one of our school parents who has an extensive background in Corporate Communications to serve as the Campaign Director. We also hired Compton Fundraising Consultants to assist us in the next stage of the planning and preparation process.

As the first stage of the planning, the consultant has now met with 22 different people from our parish and school community to seek feedback and guidance on the project. We are very thankful to those who participated and wish to thank them again for both their time and their candor. This information has proved invaluable.

We have just received Compton’s report earlier this week and are currently deliberating on their recommendations. We will get back to you no later than the end of January with a summary of their findings, recommendations and the next steps that St. Francis of Assisi intends to take regarding the building of our new school.

With Blessings to you and your family over the Season of Advent,



Father Gino and Mrs. Yam

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