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#BuildSFA Update June 2020

#BuildSFA Update June 2020

We understand that with the advent of the global pandemic our parents and parishioners are focused on supporting their children with online learning and their own financial, family and social situations at home. As a community we will continue to pray for the health and safety of our families and parishioners.

However, we know that eventually we will all return to a new normal; therefore, our school community will continue with its commitment to the rebuilding of our 70 + year-old school as it nears the end of its operational life with a new school and gymnasium to secure our legacy of Catholic education in the Commercial Drive area for the coming generations.

Therefore, we are continuing to act on the recommendations of the Fundraising Feasibility report that we undertook last fall.

  • The first recommendation was to create a new volunteer Building Committee now named the Advisory Board to assist Father Gino with the decision making of the project. We are very blessed that two well respected local professional property developers Daniel Boffo, Principal, Boffo Family of Companies and James Evans (Jeff’s Residences, Brookhouse Residences) have agreed to sit on this board in addition to two of our parents – Bob Ambardar as Chairperson and Brandon Burns. Barbara Broughton will continue to provide strategic and administrative support to the project and to this group.
  • The second recommendation was that we hire a Building and Development Consultant to revise and/or create a new building plan to meet our current site, city and budgetary constraints. Before spring-break, we met with 3 different groups and asked them to submit competitive proposals for the work. After evaluation we have decided to stagger the work between two of the consultants the first of which (Complex Projects) has an outstanding reputation in planning and working with the city and the 2nd group (Core Project Management) has an outstanding record of successful on time and on budget school construction.

The Building and Development consultants will be working for the next three months to create a new building plan that we will look forward to sharing with our community this fall.

With Blessings to you and your family,

Father Eugenio Aloisio

Mrs. Anne Yam

If anyone has any questions, please contact Barbara Broughton directly or via buildsfa@sfaschool.ca

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